TWW Lead Service Line Replacement Program

Trenton Water Works
Lead Service Line Replacement Program

Jackson Street, Mill Hill 1.jpg

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All addresses in TWW’s service area with suspected lead service lines are automatically enrolled in TWW's Lead Service Line Replacement Program. There are over 20,000 suspected lead/galvanized lines in our system that will be inspected and replaced by 2031 if confirmed to be lead/ galvanized. This is a large undertaking, so we appreciate your patience. We are currently seeking funding from the State of New Jersey so we can continue lead service line replacements at a future date.

Program Goal

Reduce exposure to lead in drinking water by assisting in the replacement of lead service lines in TWW’s service area and complying with Federal and State Lead and Copper Rule requirements.


Trenton Needs Your Help


Water Service Line Material Survey

Scan the QR code or press the button below to let us know what your drinking water service line material is made of in your home.


All lead service lines in New Jersey to be replaced by 2031.

In July 2021, Governor Murphy signed legislation A5343/S3459 into law requiring all lead and galvanized service lines to be removed by July 2031.

Since 2017, TWW has replaced nearly 30% of our lead service lines. TWW is currently developing a plan to remove all of the remaining LSLs by 2031.


TWW's Lead Service Lines

Trenton Water Works is committed to providing its customers with a safe, clean and reliable supply of drinking water. The risks and health effects of lead exposure are well documented, particularly to infants, young children, pregnant women as well as others with serious health conditions or compromised immune systems. Like many other aging cities and water systems, the TWW water distribution system is comprised of older houses and buildings, many of which have lead service lines (LSLs). As water travels through the LSLs, the corrosion of the service lines adds lead into the treated water delivered to those customers. The treated water is otherwise lead free from TWW’s source reservoirs and treatment plant, and therefore these existing LSLs and lead solder in copper plumbing are the causes of lead in drinking water delivered to customers.

TWW has updated their inventory of LSLs and determined that there are up to 20,000 LSLs in the TWW service area. Trenton Water Works serves the City of Trenton, Hamilton Township, Hopewell Township, Lawrence Township and parts of Ewing Township.

TWW owns the portion of the service line from the water main to the curb stop. The portion of the service line from the curb stop to the water meter is owned by the resident. TWW plans to replace all LSLs by 2031. Use the address lookup tool to check if you have a lead service line.